Host USA Cricket and Ireland Cricket federation have decided to cancel the ODI series after new cases of COVID-19 emerged in the Irish support staff, and among partners of players. The opening game of the ODI series on Saturday was canceled after game officials were identified as being close to someone who was found to be infected.ODI 2 was scheduled for Tuesday, but USA Cricket has announced that the match will be postponed to Wednesday, December 29.
However, after both hours the boards agreed to drop the ODI leg of the series. However, just hours after both boards agreed to scrap the ODI leg of the series. Ireland tour party will leave Florida for Kingston, Jamaica on 31 December for a series against the West Indies. Cricket USA said that all players in both squads have returned negative COVID-19 results overnight.

The ODI series had previously been disrupted by COVID cases found between USA team members and the referee of the series, and as a result, the risk and concern for further distribution mean that both Boards have unfortunately agreed to cancel two scheduled matches, Cricket USA said Tuesday.