WWE Intercontinental Championship: Most Successful Champions.  

Here is a quick look at the list of individuals that have held the Intercontinental Title for the longest and the most number of times.


The WWE is one form of entertainment that each boy has loved in his lifetime. The organization also has female fans. Regardless, some championships have evolved over the years. The Intercontinental Championship is one such title. This title was established in 1979 and ever since has been in and around the WWE. Here is a quick look at the champions who have held the belt for the longest amount of time: 

Most Number of Reigns with the Intercontinental Championship: 

Name of Superstar Reigns 
Chris Jericho 
The Miz 
Dolph Ziggler 
Jeff Jarret 
Rob Van Dam 
Wade Barrett 
Jeff Hardy 
Triple H 
Razor Ramon 

Chris Jericho has Most Reigns with the Intercontinental Championship: 

Chris Jericho is one of the most underrated assets of the WWE. This champion performer who defeated The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin on the same night holds the record for the most reigns as the Intercontinental Champion. Jericho has held this prestigious title 9 times. He first became the champion in the early stages of his career when he was a below-the-card performer. The later stints came after his thunderous comeback at the Royal Rumble. One can never forget the “Walls of Jericho” as his signature move. His moonsault was a treat to watch.  

The Miz is Second: 

The Miz happens to be the second on this list with 8 successful reigns as the champion. The Miz is also famous for its off-the-mat antiques. It is either his girlfriend Maryse or his homie Ted Debiase Junior who helped him hold the title. However, the WWE has never seen a better trash talker than The Miz. With the microphone in his hand is an amazing performer. In the ring, his “The Skull-Crushing Finale” is a treat to watch.  

Longest Reigns with the Intercontinental Title: 

Name of Superstar Number of Days as Champion 
The Honky Tonky Man 454 Days 
Pedro Morales 425 Days 
Randy Savage  415 Days 
Don Muraco  385 Days 
Greg Valentine 285 Days 
Mr. Perfect  280 Days 
The Rock 265 Days 
Shelton Benjamin 240 Days 
Cody Rhodes  236 Days 
Pat Paterson  233 Days 

To know more go to the official website of the WWE.

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