Mass Transit Incident
New Jack and Mass Transit (Eric Kulas) were at the center of this event.

ECW Mass Transit Incident is one of the most widely renowned incidents in the World Wrestling and Wrestling Entertainment sector. Most of the Wrestling Entertainment geeks are quite aware of exactly what happened. But if you are a layman, you have landed on the correct blog. So, what exactly happened in the ECW Mass Transit Incident?  

Who Was ‘Mass Transit’: 

A minor wrestler aged 17 at the time entered the ECW locker room on that evening. The ECW event on 23rd November 1996 was an untasteful day. Eric Kulas was his name outside the ring. Eric was very hefty. He claimed to be a disciple of Killer Kowalski, a retired star wrestler. Mass Transit (Eric Kulas) never had the experience of working in the ring as well.  

What Actually Happened On that Day Before the Match: 

The event had a match featuring D-Von Dudley paired up with Axl Rotten as a tag team to take on the tag team with the kayfabe name “The Gangstas”. The Gangstas was the team of New Jack and Mustafa Saed. 

Axl made a last-minute removal of his name from the match. Axl didn’t come to the event due to a sad demise in his family. Mass Transit came to the ECW locker room and offered to replace Axl. Paul Heyman, the CEO, and owner of ECW allowed Mass Transit to participate. He wrongly informed Heyman that he was aged 19. The allowance was made because Mass Transit was accompanied by two midgets. These midgets were renowned for accompanying professional wrestlers and also Mass Transit said that he was a student of Killer Kowalski.  

Before the match began, the 4 performers were discussing the exact act to put up. Mass Transit insisted on New Jack making him bleed. New Jack initially was hesitant but agreed as Mass Transit requested him to do it.  

What Actually Happened On that Day During the Match: 

Mass Transit and Mustafa Saed were brawling in the ring when the match started. While New Jack and D-Von Dudley brawled outside. Soon, New Jack entered the ring and teamed up with Mustafa to attack Transit. During the end of the match, when the cut was planned, New Jack executed the cut.  

The cut was very deep. Deeper than expected. Blood spurt out of Mass Transit’s head like a fountain. At that time, New Jack and Mustafa Saed continued to beat him up. Seeing his son bleed, his father yelled from the crowd, “Ring the fucking bell! The Kid is 17!” As soon as this was heard, the match ended. The medics rushed in. Blood was all over the mat.  

The Aftermath of the Mass Transit Incident: 

Mass Transit was rushed to the hospital. He had 50 stitches and 2 severed arteries. Mass Transit Incident got ECW under a lot of scrutinies. Their first PPV had to be canceled. 

New Jack and Paul Heyman faced respective lawsuits but were not charged. The evidence that was used in the court was the camcorder clip of the match.